Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poop Covered Man Shocks People in a Park After Having an Explosive Porta Potty Accident

Now that we've had a moment of silence for National Toilet Day let's get back to business with something awesomely disgusting. Laughing Squid has the explosive story here.

Paid a Nickel and Only Farted

Vice has a story in honor of World Toilet Day called When Americans Had To Pay To Poop. 

World Toilet Day

Nothing beats a warm clean place to do your business. Too many people don't have that luxury. November 19th has been named World Toilet Day by the United Nations General Assembly. You can learn more about it right here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Truth about Silent, but Deadly

New at Sears Portrait Studios

Remember the moment, with timeless portraits.  If only they came in scratch-n-sniff.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Franken Berry Stool (aka red poop)

Ever eaten a whole box of cereal and discovered that all those delicious dyes are just as bright on the way out as on the way in? This writer knows of someone who ate a box of Kaboom! only to find his leavings tinted a rich mossy green. This phenomenon warranted a write up in the medical journal Pediatrics way back in 1972 when a Frankenberry eating lad was hospitalized for suspected rectal bleeding. Cooler heads eventually prevailed and Red No. 2 and No. 3 were proven to be the culprits. Our friends at BoingBoing have the story.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Poo App to End All Poo Apps

Yeah, it's been far too long between dumps here at the old Shitterbug. The only way to come back is to come back with an explosive post that will rock your bowels and rock them in a good way. The kind folks at Avatar Labs have created that digital poop diary your sphincter has been puckering for. Yes, it's The Poo Log!
Plus, they have created three incredible videos starring a guy dressed in a turd costume! No doubt this was a role of a lifetime requiring only the most resourceful method actor. To have played a shit in three :30 YouTube videos would make anyone die a happy man, no? You can find this most amazing app here

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Dirty Library is the Tumblr You've Been Waiting For

Yes, The Dirty Library is here to ruin everything about your childhood that hasn't already been destroyed.

HOWTO synthesize poop for turd-transplants with a robotgut

Thank you to the fine people at

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sack of Shit from the folks who brought you Bag of Dicks

Just when your search for turd magnets had come up empty, Laughing Squid points you to Etsy for these handsome little devils. While you're there pick up a Bag of Dicks for the wife and kids.

Friday, June 21, 2013

10 Ways You Could Eat Feces Today

Hungry? Dig in to some fine eats courtesy of Listverse

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

14 Places You Have to Poop at Before You Die

If you need some summer vacation ideas, here's a great starter list for the intrepid shitter! Thank you Buzzfeed!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

50 Shades of Brown Lavatory Mist

Neatorama is an embarrassment of riches today. If you encounter the T-Rex Poop posted below, rest easy with Fifty Shades of Brown Lavatory Mist

T-Rex Poop

Thank you to our friends at Neatorama for this magnificent "coprolite" for the world to enjoy!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Wipe Charlies

While Shitterbug doesn't necessarily endorse brands, some handy products are too perfect to ignore. Enjoy this fine video from the man who brought you The Dollar Shave Club. Can't wait to get my hands on One Wipe Charlies!

Anus Chocolates!

It's not shit, exactly. But close. I mean, it's where shit originates. And it's shit-colored.

Who wouldn't want to eat a little chocolate anus?

Hat tip to junglerock.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

10 Bizarre Toilet Tales From Around the World

[Courtesy of a friend from the Jungle]

Some shit-related facts for you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surprising Facts about Poop

Buzzfeed collects surprising facts about poo, in annoying video format instead of plain old readable at the office text.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Colorful Shit

Here at Shitterbug we're all about the science. Thus we were pleased when a correspondent corresponded with us regarding Gabriel Morais' "Colorful Shit" project. Check it out!